Thursday, November 11, 2010

Enjoying Fall in Chicago

Hello, sweet one!
Your Daddy and I have been learning all about how big you are and how much you are growing!  You are healthy and getting bigger (and so is your mom!).  Your family is so excited for your arrival and we can't wait to give you lots of hugs and kisses.  I'm pretty sure you won't be lacking in those.  You have a big family that loves you already!
Before your Mom and Dad were married and in our first year of marriage, we lived in Florida.  Daddy was working at CBS Sports and Mommy was working at Calvary Christian Academy.  Though we loved our jobs and our church, we really missed our family and the seasons of the Midwest.  Your Daddy loves football so much that he was excited to be back in the city of his favorite team.
Here are a few things that I love about fall and that I'm so glad we are enjoying again:
  • the smell of leaves and burning leaves
  • cooler weather so you have to wear a sweatshirt
  • hot drinks like apple cider and cocoa 
  • pumpkin bread
  • warm soup and chili
  • football season
  • Thanksgiving: the food, the family and the chance to rest
  • snuggling up on the couch to watch TV with your dad
I can't wait for you to enjoy Fall because it will be fun to play in the leaves and see all the changing colors of the season.  I missed that in Florida.  We're glad to be home.  We're glad to be your parents.  We can't wait to share some of these experiences with you.

My Cup Runneth Over