Thursday, February 3, 2011

Catching up

OK, so I've decided that other people are much better at this form of journaling than I am but I love to read what I wrote.  It's good to look back and see what I was thinking months ago.  I'm also learning that the little things in life are the best topic choices.  So here goes...
Tonight we had leftovers because we've been snowed into our little Chicago apartment for nearly 4 days now.  There are multiple reasons this is a good thing:
1)  The leftovers are free and aren't digging into our monthly allotment of funds for daily expenses.  Isn't it sad how excited I get about not spending money?!?  With our house closing in two weeks, it is possible this has had an impact on it. 
2)  Our house was supposed to close today and because of a minor glitch, we will miss "Snowmageddon" and close in two weeks.  Whew! 
3)  We are buying our first house!!!  Not only that, we are buying our DREAM house for a really great price.  Little one, I can't wait for you to see the house your Daddy and I picked out for you! 
4)  I haven't had to work all week!!!  CPS closed for two days which is unheard of and I was able to nurse a little cold that David gave me.  Hurray for lazy snow days!!
5)  I am grateful that during this Snowmageddon we still live in a place that other people take care of the maintenance.  Does that sound lazy?  This morning there were still 100 cars that had been abandoned on Lakeshore Drive from the horrible storm.  Since David and I both have been sick, I'm grateful that we did not have to worry about that.  Next year, though we are on our own!!

The last few weeks have been all about closing on the house and enjoying the new phase of pregnancy: feeling the baby kick :)  It is one of the most wonderfully bizarre feelings.  I remember the first time I felt it.  David had a work event late so I was home relaxing on the couch.  I felt what I can only explain as a muscle twitch below my belly button and at first I disregarded it.  Then I stopped and smiled.  No, I know exactly what that was.  My baby wanted me to know he or she was there.  It was wonderful.
Then one night we were laying around watching too much HGTV (am I sensing a bad habit?  Ummm, I'm pretty sure it is) and I was feeling the baby kick.  I finally just grabbed David's hand and stuck it to my belly.  He finally felt the little flutter and he laughed.  Yup, there it is! he said.
Our minds are focused on getting our house ready, but we anxiously await this little one.  We love our little niece Mary so much that I can't even fathom the love we'll have for this sweet pea.  The other night when I was crabby about something (do I even need a reason when I'm pregnant?), David said, "Just look at pictures of Mary.  That always makes you happy."  He's right.  She is perfect, just like her Grandpa says.  Her smile makes me smile.  Her laugh makes me so happy.  Oh, and when she says "Hi!" in her little high-pitched voice into the phone, my heart melts.  Mary, I can't wait for you to meet our sweet one.  I hope you will be good friends.  I always wanted a cousin that I adored.  I hope you love each other as much as I love your Mommy.  That is something we are hoping for you both.  We are working hard to make it happen.

Well, my message in three sentences: We can't wait for our new house.  We can't wait for this baby.  We can't wait to live life with the family we love.
My cup runneth over.