Thursday, November 11, 2010

Enjoying Fall in Chicago

Hello, sweet one!
Your Daddy and I have been learning all about how big you are and how much you are growing!  You are healthy and getting bigger (and so is your mom!).  Your family is so excited for your arrival and we can't wait to give you lots of hugs and kisses.  I'm pretty sure you won't be lacking in those.  You have a big family that loves you already!
Before your Mom and Dad were married and in our first year of marriage, we lived in Florida.  Daddy was working at CBS Sports and Mommy was working at Calvary Christian Academy.  Though we loved our jobs and our church, we really missed our family and the seasons of the Midwest.  Your Daddy loves football so much that he was excited to be back in the city of his favorite team.
Here are a few things that I love about fall and that I'm so glad we are enjoying again:
  • the smell of leaves and burning leaves
  • cooler weather so you have to wear a sweatshirt
  • hot drinks like apple cider and cocoa 
  • pumpkin bread
  • warm soup and chili
  • football season
  • Thanksgiving: the food, the family and the chance to rest
  • snuggling up on the couch to watch TV with your dad
I can't wait for you to enjoy Fall because it will be fun to play in the leaves and see all the changing colors of the season.  I missed that in Florida.  We're glad to be home.  We're glad to be your parents.  We can't wait to share some of these experiences with you.

My Cup Runneth Over

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our Story

I've decided to share our story, little one.  The one that tells how your Mom and Dad met and why they fell in love.  Every couple has a story and your Daddy and I happen to love ours.  In fact, your Daddy says, "If you don't believe in God, listen to our story."  See what you think...

We actually grew up together.  I grew up on Windover Ln. in Granger and your Dad grew up on Carriage Hills Dr. in South Bend, just about 4 streets over.  We went to the same school from first grade through our graduation from high school.  Though we had known each other that long, we weren't really friends and didn't hang out together.  We each dated other people and were anxious to go off to our respective colleges.  Your Daddy played baseball (very well) and I was a dancer.

We both LOVED college.  For many reasons.  In the end, we both graduated in the summer of 2003 and jumped head first into our own careers.  Mind you, neither of us were thinking about the other.  We were happy and enjoying our lives as young professionals.  My friends were getting married in droves and Dad was enjoying single life in South Florida with your Uncle Carlos. 

Then in the summer of 2006, both your parents were invited to the wedding of a classmate.  Your Dad almost didn't go because he had three weddings that summer all three weeks apart and didn't feel like he could make the trip one more time all the way from South Florida.  The only reason I was invited was because the bride's parents were good friends with Grandma and Grandpa Stirdivant so the whole family was invited.  I was living in Chicago at the time so I drove into South Bend to meet Grandma and Grandpa Stirdivant and Aunt Cameron and Uncle Chris.  I will never forget walking into Clay United Methodist Church and seeing your Dad walking in at the same time.  He looked so HANDSOME.  You should know that your Dad loves to get dressed up for weddings.  He definitely looked sharp that night.  He said a big hello and introduced me to a girl he was walking in with, followed by her mother.  I assumed this was his girlfriend so I didn't think much beyond how handsome he looked.

Later at the reception I noticed Dad was on the dance floor a lot (he does love to dance!) and since your Aunt Cameron and I love to dance we were out there a lot too.  Your Dad asked me to dance a couple of times and I felt guilty since he was with a date and then he told me the girl wasn't his girlfriend.  We had so much fun dancing until the end of the night when he asked me to go to a local place to meet up with some other friends of his from high school.  He finally convinced me so we walked in and he grabbed my hand.  He didn't really let go all night.

This was the night I fell for your Dad.  I was never the same after that night.  Of course we didn't really mention to anyone that we were seeing each other once a month until 6 months later, but we loved spending time together.  The funny thing is that I hated dating...not your Dad but everyone BUT your Dad.  I could only be myself with him because he had known me so long.  I enjoyed every minute with him.  I loved how relaxed he was and how easy he made our relationship.  I loved that he enjoyed long conversations (of course that is all we had for two years since we lived so far apart).  We'll talk more about those conversations but know that these high school classmates fell in love.  They loved each other so much that you are coming soon!  You are the beginning of our new story.

My Cup Runneth Over.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The happiest day

I think I will always remember that day.  I was anxious and had hardly slept all night waiting for the morning.  I jumped out of bed, took the test and waited the obligatory 3 minutes.  And then, there it was, the little faint line that said YES YES YES!!!  We were pregnant!!!! 

It was then that I had a very sad thought.  Who are the people who dread that line?  What is their story?  I have waited for that moment for practically my whole life and I was so sad to imagine what it would be like to dread such exciting news.  This moment meant I am now a mom.  Not when I deliver this baby or when I change my first diaper, but TODAY I am a mom.  Is there anything more miraculous and terrifying at the same time?!

So, little one, I hope you know how much you are loved and wanted even before I knew you were here.  I hope you know that God is the one who created you and only He can love you more than I already do.  I have already started reading and learning all about you and I can't wait to meet you.  Never forget that your mommy and daddy love you so much and that we can't wait to meet you!  Until then, grow big and strong so your daddy won't worry.  Because of you, my cup runneth over.  Much love, your Mommy.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

There once was a girl...

I have always been very girly.  Though people may tease me about it or criticize me for it, I still maintain that I am only being who I am.  Here are some examples:

1) I do not like getting dirty.  My mom said I was like this as a kid and I'm still like it now.  I don't like to get sweaty unless I'm lying on a beach with waves crashing near my toes.  Maybe this is the reason I don't like working out (or maybe it's just because I don't like to work out).  Also, I do NOT do camping.  I will go to a camp but there will be no sleeping on the ground or peeing on...oops!...poison ivy!!! Let me repeat: I do not like getting dirty.
2) I love dressing up.  I remember stealing one of my mom's favorite outfits on a weekend when she and my dad were on vacation and wearing it to the mall with a with matching jewelry and makeup.  Who does that??? 
3) I am so glad I got to be the bride.  I know, weird thought but I specifically remember thinking as a little girl that I was so glad I was a GIRL because I got to wear THE DRESS.  And I did, I found my perfect dress and my perfect man.  Who knew I could be so lucky??
4) I love to shop.  Though looking at my wardrobe now you wouldn't think that but the budget is killing my shopping hobby at the moment.  My favorite is finding things that I'm looking for ON SALE.  Why is that women find shopping such a thrill???
5) I cry about the stupidest things.  I do recall once tearing up over the DeBeers diamond commercial that came out a few years ago.  You know the one, with just shadows, not even real people!!!!  Yeah, that's the one and I cried.
6) I love my friends.  I have so many I can't even count anymore.  One of my friends used to laugh at me and say that I had 100 best friends.  I think she's right and I count myself one of the luckiest girls in the world.  Those friends are among some of the reasons...
my cup runneth over.