Thursday, September 2, 2010

There once was a girl...

I have always been very girly.  Though people may tease me about it or criticize me for it, I still maintain that I am only being who I am.  Here are some examples:

1) I do not like getting dirty.  My mom said I was like this as a kid and I'm still like it now.  I don't like to get sweaty unless I'm lying on a beach with waves crashing near my toes.  Maybe this is the reason I don't like working out (or maybe it's just because I don't like to work out).  Also, I do NOT do camping.  I will go to a camp but there will be no sleeping on the ground or peeing on...oops!...poison ivy!!! Let me repeat: I do not like getting dirty.
2) I love dressing up.  I remember stealing one of my mom's favorite outfits on a weekend when she and my dad were on vacation and wearing it to the mall with a with matching jewelry and makeup.  Who does that??? 
3) I am so glad I got to be the bride.  I know, weird thought but I specifically remember thinking as a little girl that I was so glad I was a GIRL because I got to wear THE DRESS.  And I did, I found my perfect dress and my perfect man.  Who knew I could be so lucky??
4) I love to shop.  Though looking at my wardrobe now you wouldn't think that but the budget is killing my shopping hobby at the moment.  My favorite is finding things that I'm looking for ON SALE.  Why is that women find shopping such a thrill???
5) I cry about the stupidest things.  I do recall once tearing up over the DeBeers diamond commercial that came out a few years ago.  You know the one, with just shadows, not even real people!!!!  Yeah, that's the one and I cried.
6) I love my friends.  I have so many I can't even count anymore.  One of my friends used to laugh at me and say that I had 100 best friends.  I think she's right and I count myself one of the luckiest girls in the world.  Those friends are among some of the reasons...
my cup runneth over.

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