Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The happiest day

I think I will always remember that day.  I was anxious and had hardly slept all night waiting for the morning.  I jumped out of bed, took the test and waited the obligatory 3 minutes.  And then, there it was, the little faint line that said YES YES YES!!!  We were pregnant!!!! 

It was then that I had a very sad thought.  Who are the people who dread that line?  What is their story?  I have waited for that moment for practically my whole life and I was so sad to imagine what it would be like to dread such exciting news.  This moment meant I am now a mom.  Not when I deliver this baby or when I change my first diaper, but TODAY I am a mom.  Is there anything more miraculous and terrifying at the same time?!

So, little one, I hope you know how much you are loved and wanted even before I knew you were here.  I hope you know that God is the one who created you and only He can love you more than I already do.  I have already started reading and learning all about you and I can't wait to meet you.  Never forget that your mommy and daddy love you so much and that we can't wait to meet you!  Until then, grow big and strong so your daddy won't worry.  Because of you, my cup runneth over.  Much love, your Mommy.

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